Up Hill Racing 2

Up Hill Racing 2

Up Hill Racing 2 is a thrilling physics driving game that tests your abilities. Returning to Part 2 of Up Hill Racing, everything remains the same. It's still the same desert road, just in a newer version.

In this racing game, you must race over a bumpy course to acquire as many coins as possible. You are driving to different levels, and you must drive as far as you can to earn the most money and achieve a high score in the number of meters you traveled. You can upgrade your cars, acquire additional tracks, and buy new automobiles, so there is plenty to do in this driving game. Completely upgrade every automobile and achieve the highest score on each map. The enjoyment is limitless!

How To Play

Use the right arrow button to accelerate the car and move on the road collecting gas and coins. Use the left arrow key to stop whenever you want.